Why do you shy,
Why do you fear.
Do you not wish to fly,
Live your dreams my dear.
Amidst the crowd bustling with grades, with one mark above
and below being the cause of pride and death, there stands someone who is celebrating
only because he/she merely passed. Those who scored 98% are causing depression
to 95% holders and 80% is not considered a standard anymore.
Creating a benchmark has become the only goal in everyone’s
life these days. Parents already decide their kid’s future, kids strive hard to
live up to their expectations weaving their dream into reality.
For those who you think have way far more intellect than
you, those who work 14 hours a day and earn a bomb, those who have travelled
around the world, those who you think know a lot, be happy for them not
You receive when you give. When you don’t think ill of
other’s is when you attain wisdom.
Perhaps you’re not as sharp as
others but you could be suave, you might not be as rich but you could be brave.
It’s okay to not get things at one go, does not certify you
as dumb. It’s completely fine to earn half as much as amongst your peers, does
not make you poor and its okay to not have the same luxuries as others.
If someone tries to bog you down by calling you dumb, you
don’t have to think low of yourself because you know they are no one to judge
as they didn’t bring you up.
You’re bad at something they’re good at but are they good at
the things you’re best at?
One day maybe you’ll be as rich, as smart, as powerful as
them but I plead you to not lose the respect you have. Aggression and
insensitivity is wrapped around and sunk into the blood of those who are at positions now and however insane it sounds but
the truth is yes they scorn the noble souls who brought them in this world, the
reason of their existence, “Their Parent’s”
Right now, you’re not where they are but you do have an
option of becoming what they are by simple hardwork but they in no possibility
can become what you are.
Being an average does not stop you from being who you are!
You are wise, sensitive, sweet, forgiving you spend time
with parents receive their blessings, you preach god, you know intellect is not
inborn but comes with knowledge, reading and practice, you are fun, people love
to hang out with you, you are hilarious, you are smart in your head
irrespective of what others think of you because you know and believe you’re
good and one day you will make it big without budging from your dignity and
self esteem.
I am a happy Average! Are you?