Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Dream Run!

Sometimes out of nowhere your face lits up with glee,
When the angels above decide to come to thee.
Just when you’re about to lose heart & give up,
Walking  past the fear giving you life’s closeup.
Bottled up feelings when love comes along,
Soft tingles everywhere feeling nothing wrong.
Refrain to believe that this could happen again,
Yet again good riddance of fear & pain.
And there he comes to you handful of charm,
Sweeping you off your feet causing you no harm.
Blushingly you dance all day and night long,
Humming sweet rhythms of your favorite song.
And as one says all good things come to an end,
Reality check hits hard upon you my friend.
Sweet memories we’ve made in our hearts forever,
The short span was beautiful with no hatred ever.
Pinning up hopes of joy and truck loads of fun,
Wake up sweety he’s gone,it was just a Dream Run!

Until Next Time, Cheers!